财政援助消费者资料 | 重要的消费者资料/条款及条件


The Office of Financial Aid is committed to the fair and equitable delivery of financial assistance to all eligible applicants. Lake Erie College is required by federal law to conduct verification of selected students' financial aid. To ensure that the application information used to determine financial assistance eligibility is complete and accurate, student records may be selected for further review at any time during a period of enrollment to determine the reliability of the information. If requested, the required documents and information must be provided or aid may be denied.


作为联邦学生资助的接受者, 你有你应该行使的权利,也有你必须承担的责任. Knowledge of these rights and responsibilities will put you in a better position to make decisions about your educational goals. 你有权知道:

  • 有哪些经济援助项目

  • 提交援助申请的截止日期

  • 你的经济援助将如何分配

  • 你的经济需求是如何确定的

  • 你的需要满足了多少

  • 学院的退款政策

  • 你的援助计划的哪些部分是“礼物援助”,哪些是必须偿还的

  • 如果援助是贷款, 你有权知道利率, 还款金额及程序, 还款的时间长度和开始还款的时间

  • 学校如何确定你的学业进展是否令人满意, 当你不这样做的时候会发生什么呢

  • You have the right to accept, decline or seek adjustment to your financial aid award(s)

  • That information you give to the Office of Financial Aid will be treated confidentially

  • You may contact the Office of Financial Aid if you believe that special conditions exist affecting your financial need that warrants an adjustment to your financial aid package. 如果你经历了家庭环境的变化, 比如失业, 死亡, 分居或离婚, or extremely high medical expenses that affect your ability to pay your educational costs, 上诉可能是适当的.


  • 每年申请经济资助

  • 准确填写并按时提交FAFSA申请表

  • 提供正确的信息. 被发现故意伪造的信息可能会被提交给美国司法部.S. 教育部,监察长办公室

  • 提供财政援助办公室要求的所有其他文件

  • 阅读你签署的所有表格

  • 保留你所有的经济援助记录的副本

  • 在兵役登记系统登记(如有需要)

  • 填写所需的进出贷款信息

  • 按照本票的条款偿还所有贷款

  • Notify your lender if any of the following occurs before your loan is repaid: change of name, 更改地址, 毕业, 退学或缺课半小时或转校

  • 使用您的LEC电子邮件来接收有关您的经济援助的信息

  • 如果你有以下情况,请通知财政援助办公室:

    • 改变你的名字

    • 改变你的居住/住房计划

    • 改变婚姻状况

    • 换专业

    • 改变你的研究生/本科生身份

  • 如果您更改了地址/电话号码,请通知注册官




如果你从先前的超额联邦基金中欠了钱,你必须偿还. 如果你欠任何机构的联邦资金,你就没有资格获得经济援助. You are not eligible for financial aid if you are in default on any federal 贷款 from any institution. 你必须填写所有要求的本票. 学位身份政策

You must be admitted to and enrolled in a degree or certificate program to receive financial aid. 对外奖励政策

You must notify the Office of Financial Aid if you receive any outside scholarships or grants, 私人贷款和其他学费援助. 如果超额奖励是由外部礼物造成的, 经济援助办公室可能会根据需要对你的奖励计划进行调整. 捐赠组织另有规定的除外, 所有外部奖励将平均分配,以覆盖整个学年.


Federal regulations require that schools monitor the academic progress of each applicant for federal financial assistance and that the school certify the applicant is making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward earning his or her degree. 有资格获得联邦政府的经济援助, 伊利湖学院的州和机构资源, 学生必须在他们的学位或证书课程中做出SAP. SAP的衡量标准有三个方面:GPA、最大时间框架和完成率. Students who fail to meet the SAP requirements become ineligible to receive financial aid until these requirements are met.

The Office of Financial Aid; evaluates SAP after the completion of each semester or term. 所有入学条款, 包括暑期, must be considered in the determination of SAP including periods in which the student did not receive federal student aid funds.

Students academically dismissed from their academic programs will be recognized as failing to meet SAP standards.

The terms described in this SAP policy are for financial aid purposes only and are separate from academic probation policies for academic standing with the College.



Financial aid awards are based on your enrollment status per semester which is defined as follows:

全日制本科:12学时 半年制本科:6学分 全日制毕业生:6学分 半全日制毕业生:3学分

学生必须至少注册一半时间才能获得经济援助. Reduction in credit hours may result in loss of aid; you are advised to consult with the Office of Financial Aid before changing your enrollment status.

在退费期间退费或退费低于半天, 必须提供相应比例的经济援助资格, 可能导致资金返还给一个或多个经济援助项目. 如果你的注册状态在助学金发放后发生了变化, you may be required to repay the College in order to reimburse the financial aid programs. 退款须经财政援助署署长及财务长批准.


Any student receiving Title IV Funds at Lake Erie College will be subject to the following policy regarding return of those funds if they withdraw from all classes: 获得第四章助学金的金额是学期完成的百分比. This is calculated by dividing the number of days the student attended classes by the number of days in the semester. 这是以包括周末和节假日在内的日历日来衡量的, 不包括5天以上的假期. Any student who withdraws on or before the 60% point in the semester will have to return or repay unearned Title IV funds. A student who withdraws after the 60% point of the semester is considered to have earned 100% of the aid received and will not have to return funds to the Title IV programs. 学生的退学日期由伊利湖学院确定为:

  1. The date the student began the withdrawal process (as previously outlined in this catalogue) or notified the College of the intent to withdraw

  2. The midpoint of the semester if the student fails to officially notify the College of the withdrawal

  3. The student's last date of attendance at a documented academically related activity

资金将按照联邦指导方针规定的顺序返还给这些项目. A repayment to the Title IV programs may be required from the student when cash has been disbursed to the student from financial aid funds in excess of the amount of aid earned during the term. 如果学生欠该计划的还款, 贷款资金在本票期限内返还. 学生所欠的助学金将按所欠款额的50%退还. 如果学生获得的资助少于其获得的资助, 学生可能会收到提款后支付的差额. The Office of Financial Aid will notify the student within 30 days of notification of withdrawal that these funds are available. The student must request these late disbursements in writing to the Office of Financial Aid. Institutional and state aid refunds will be calculated according to the Lake Erie College refund policy as posted in the official Schedule of Classes each semester.


联邦和州拨款, 贷款, college grants and most institutional scholarships will appear on your bill as a credit. Federal Direct 贷款 and PLUS 贷款 will be posted to your student account when the funds are received by the College. Guarantee and origination fees of up to 4% will be deducted from the awarded loan amounts. 如果你的助学金不足以支付你的账单, 你必须在下列到期日之前缴付余款:

夏季学期:五月一日 秋季学期:8月1日 春季学期:十二月一日
