1. 商学院
  2. 创业

创业| 主要

创业学学士学位 从LEC

The entrepreneurship degree at Lake Erie College integrates a contemporary liberal arts education with a solid foundation of management tools from the business sector.

在这个背景下, students are taught how to recognize and assess opportunities, 掌握沟通技巧, participate and lead effectively in a team environment. They're also taught how to develop comprehensive implementation plans for businesses in any industry.

Whether market-based or within a not-for-profit environment, Lake Erie College's entrepreneurship degree program prepares students to create new ventures, both as stand-alone entities and within existing organizational structures.


Faculty Member 彼得阿 (right) helps entrepreneurship students go over their ideaLabs presentations.


Getting a Bachelor's Degree in 创业 gives students a toolbelt that can be used to find success in any industry. 小班授课, entrepreneurship majors get personalized attention to faculty in a way that just doesn't exist at larger schools.

This personalized attention allows students to receive support as they figure out what their pathway to success looks like. With an entrepreneurship degree, students can go anywhere. Lake Erie College also offers experiences that expose students to multiple path options and opportunities to find success, 包括加入 经济共同体 和LEC自己的 火花会谈.


伊利湖学院是欧洲经济共同体的成员, which allows students to participate in IdeaLabs - a program that allows them to get funding for their own startup ideas. Funding through the 经济共同体 allows 创业 students to receive funding for ideas as well as the entrepreneurship program as a whole to keep expanding.

许多其他学院也加入了这个联盟, but they don't receive the same guidance from faculty members and other students that allow them to take what they get from the 经济共同体 and run with it. 除了, LEC students have been able to get internships that have been funded by the 经济共同体 as well as access to accelerated learning opportunities.


创业的学生 standing with faculty member 彼得阿 after the ideaLabs 2022 presentation


火花会谈 is a student run organization that brings local business leaders to campus to speak to entrepreneurship students. More often than not, these are people who started their own business after graduating. Sometimes these guests are LEC alumni and other times, 他们只是与校园社区关系密切的人.

Not only do these events act as a place for students to learn what being an entrepreneur in the real world is like, 但这给了他们很好的社交机会.

Sam Hardesty在LEC为您播报SPARK Talk

The 创业 Program at LEC was lucky enough to bring Sam Hardesty to LEC for one of their SPARK Talk events.

你能找到什么工作 拥有创业学位?

Students who get an entrepreneurship degree from Lake Erie College learn the fundamentals of business management, allowing them to go into any field they want to and be successful. Skills that entrepreneurship students walk away with are:

  • 思想的发展

  • 业务发展

  • 风险和创业知识

  • 企业发展

  • 领导

除了, this degree can be paired with other degrees at LEC for greater efficiency. Students can work with faculty and advisors to find the right pairing for their pathway to empowerment.



Cameron Zona double majored in Fine Arts and 创业 during his time at LEC. His work with 彼得阿 and the 创业 program helped him start Access Theater in Mayfield - a Pay What You Will theater that helps make theater accessible to everyone regardless of financial background. 卡梅伦还赢得了2022年的理想实验室竞赛.


The entrepreneurship degree courses at Lake Erie College incorporates educational experiences designed to accelerate the development of today's student to tomorrow's business leader through the intensive use of collaborative projects, 案例研究和实习. All programs offered by the 商学院 offer excellent preparation for further study at the graduate level.


Students are required to take 51 semester credits including:

  • 会计原理I (3 SH)

  • 会计原则II (3 SH)

  • EC 201宏观经济学原理(3 SH)

  • EC 202微观经济学原理(3 SH)

  • 新企业规划与发展(3 SH)

  • ET 221 Techniques of Persuading, Selling and Negotiating (3 SH)

  • ET 401 New Venture Practicum and 创业 Experience: Part 1 (3 SH)

  • ET 402 New Venture Practicum and 创业 Experience: Part 2 (3 SH)

  • CJ 315商业法I (3 SH)

  • MK 2013市场营销原理(3 SH)

  • MK 317市场推广管理(3高级)

  • 管理学概论(3 SH)

  • mn215商业统计(3 SH)

  • mn216应用决策模型(3学分)

  • mn315监督与领导(3 SH)

  • 组织行为学(3 SH)



  • FN 315 Accounting and Finance for Not-For-Profit Organizations (3 SH)

  • fn320公司财务(3 SH)


伊利湖学院强调个人. Our classes are taught by professors, not graduate students. Classes are small, allowing students and professors to know one another. We care deeply about the success, development, and happiness of our students.


Jenni Kinnaird博士.D.


1 (440) 375-7115





  • 彼得阿

    创业学助理教授 & 创业中心主任